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roasted cherry tomatoes over quinoa with pomegranate molasses drizzle

roasted cherry tomatoes over quinoa with pomegranate molasses drizzle

I know cherry tomatoes aren't exactly in season... but I could not wait to share and make this recipe!

Sometimes you just need a little taste of summer during the winter. Especially when you see little pints of cherry tomatoes in the produce section.

I ate this for lunch. And then for dinner. And I plan to use the other pint of cherry tomatoes to make this exact thing again later this week. This is really that good. Maybe put the whole thing on a bed of spinach. Yum. Also, it's vegan and gluten-free.

I intended to post roasted cherry tomato bruschetta with drizzled pomegranate molasses and cilantro. I made it during the holidays for a little dinner get together I had back East and I highly suggest trying it also! But, this... this first. I don't even remember how the recipe changed in my head, I guess I had the all-mighty grain of quinoa on my mind! And it just clicked.


So much has changed since this time one year ago. My job, my apartment. The transitioning period of moving from one coast to the other, learning the ins-and-outs of a big, brand new city. Me, I've changed - I like to think I've matured on a new level, I've reached a new playing field. I think my brother grew 8 inches or something crazy like that. Then, this project is new. If last February you asked me will you start a food blog, heck even if a food blog of mine could exist - I'd say no, no, I don't think so... then my optimism would chime in and I'd say maybe. 

Pushing yourself to move to a new place forces you to try new things, meet new people, explore new places; and, in doing so you learn a lot about yourself. Then there's the whole recent college graduate title that puts a good spin on all of that, too. (More on that another time). I needed a hobby. Last year I was occasionally using my handed down film camera and cooking some familiar dishes. I thought, if only I pushed myself a little harder. Now I have transformed it into so much more - writing, photographing, creating recipes, searching for new ingredients. It's very rewarding to see all of this progress in front of me, and I anticipate the celebratory St. Germain + champagne (see: favorite drinks ever) after the project reaches a full year of food.

Planning the week, purchasing the ingredients, creating the recipe, cooking + eating the food, all to be photographed into an end result is a long process. It actually serves as my meditation; moving through the development of a post or recipe provides tranquility. It begins to remove stressors and qualms with other parts of life from that day, week, or month. My mind wanders while I top the quinoa with sizzling cherry tomatoes bursting from their skin.

roasted cherry tomatoes over quinoa with pomegranate molasses drizzle

Serves 2 as main course ; 4 as side dish


1 pint cherry tomatoes, sliced in half

2 shallots, sliced

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

salt + pepper, to taste

3 cups cooked quinoa*

cilantro for garnish

1-2 tbsp pomegranate molasses


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cook quinoa according to package.

Meanwhile, Toss tomatoes and shallots in olive oil. Place on a baking sheet or pan in one single layer. Sprinkle a bit of salt + pepper to taste. Roast for 10-15 minutes or so, until tomatoes begin to release juices and shrivel. Place roasted tomatoes on top of cooked quinoa. Drizzle pomegranate molasses over the dish and garnish with fresh cilantro. Enjoy!

* 1 cup uncooked quinoa yields 3 cups cooked

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